Sunday, February 25, 2007

Bill Tre

Moments in time. Snapshots from the past. Memories barely remembered. And so it is.
Objects come and go in our lives. What do they mean? What are they except guideposts?
Born of experience.

I have spoken to you of Bill Tre.

Bill Tre is in prison. He shot a man in Reno just to watch him that is that Johnny Cash song. Bill knocked over a convience store. He got in a fight with an officer. And he robbed a pizza man. One, two, three strikes.
Bill Tre got a car from his father. It was a blue old thing. It had a Jesus sticker on the bumper. Gary said keep that sticker on there so you will remember wherefrom the gift did come.
Bill Tre had some tattoos. "You know they say the body is a temple. If that is so my tattoos are the stained glass."
Bill Tre would walk. With each step he would say the Senerity Prayer. God, Grant me, The Serenity, to accept, the things, I can not, change, the courage, to change, the things, I can, and the, wisdom, to know, the difference.
Bill Tre would sing, pray, live with full force.
I visited him once in prison. He was locked in solitary.
He started taking classes in prison.
Good man.

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