Monday, February 19, 2007

Honor Society

I have spoken to you of honor society.

In eighth grade I made Honor Society. I had grades decent enough to earn me this honor. I suppose it was a 4.0 grade point average.

There was going to be a ceremony for those who made it to honor society. I told my mother I did not want to attend but she insisted. I spoke with my school counselor and asked to be excused from the ceremony. She insisted that I attend.

I went to the ceremony. It was in the gym at the school. We were all gathered together. I don’t remember the details.

I never made grades good enough to make it into honor society again.

Today, I am making the Honor Society assembly program. I have to make it every year since I know how to layout Microsoft word in three columns. Irony?

I was working on another story today about waiting. It turned into a pity party so I may/may not return to that one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You get to do that every year?

I would literally kill to have that ability.

Maybe not kill. Kill is strong.