Sunday, February 25, 2007
Bill Tre
Objects come and go in our lives. What do they mean? What are they except guideposts?
Born of experience.
I have spoken to you of Bill Tre.
Bill Tre is in prison. He shot a man in Reno just to watch him that is that Johnny Cash song. Bill knocked over a convience store. He got in a fight with an officer. And he robbed a pizza man. One, two, three strikes.
Bill Tre got a car from his father. It was a blue old thing. It had a Jesus sticker on the bumper. Gary said keep that sticker on there so you will remember wherefrom the gift did come.
Bill Tre had some tattoos. "You know they say the body is a temple. If that is so my tattoos are the stained glass."
Bill Tre would walk. With each step he would say the Senerity Prayer. God, Grant me, The Serenity, to accept, the things, I can not, change, the courage, to change, the things, I can, and the, wisdom, to know, the difference.
Bill Tre would sing, pray, live with full force.
I visited him once in prison. He was locked in solitary.
He started taking classes in prison.
Good man.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Dead Center
Monday, February 19, 2007
Honor Society
In eighth grade I made Honor Society. I had grades decent enough to earn me this honor. I suppose it was a 4.0 grade point average.
I was working on another story today about waiting. It turned into a pity party so I may/may not return to that one.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
I went to Lyle Tuttle’s Tattoo museum and hung out down by the wharf. Some place there would put plastic alligators in the drinks and a friend of a friend worked there.
The Couch
My folks got a new couch. They moved the old one out to the garage and it was sitting there for what seemed a very long while. I was hanging out over at the apartment of my new girlfriend and she needed a couch so I asked about taking the one from my folks. They said okay so I loaded this mutli-sectional beast into my brother’s truck with the help of a friend. Now going twenty miles in not really a big deal in the city and thinking back I should have used more rope. We lost one of the chair sections along the highway. I did not know it until we were there and set up. I had to drive back and scour the highway. There it was sitting upright beside a post. Someone was kind enough to move it out of the highway.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Great Island at Night
Coffee in the Morning
The dancers are lining up. Silhouettes really, black figures against a blueing sky. Vast distance, really between us and yet like a weird
Thursday, February 8, 2007
I remember a few times at the beach.
Dylan was awesome. They called him Spike. It did not see too long since the Traveling Wilburys and everyone had a sort of alter personality on stage. I vaguely remember Clarence Clemmons for some reason but I am not sure if he was playing that weekend or not.
After the show we were heading back up the coast to
There was this beach. Strange now to think but it seemed to be on the wrong side of highway. A beach none the less. Stephen White and I started to trapse off to the beach. Big beach comber was Stephen Temple White.
This beach was small. A roadside nook. Unknown it seemed to all but weary travelers wanting to strech legs and walk dogs. Railroad tie posts and steps. Warm large grained brown sand. Down this small hill so not to be visible from the street and the noise of the road continued overhead instead of down to the water. Warm ocean water with waves hardly coming to the shore. Standing in the surf. The water would come in and coat the feet in tiny white fizzy bubbles. The waves, not really waves as they were small would come in and gently roll away. When the water came up the sand around the feet would lift. Individual grains rising up. Floating, Effortless. Movement then away. The outward pull of the moon would swirl those grains of sand. Like small whirling dervishes, twisting the peaking opposite directions on each side of both feet.
Silence broken by horns honking and yelling now. The White man standing beside me saying something about they are going to leave us behind if we don’t get there. A bus load of long hair freaks concerned about the coming of night and travel on the highways and the couples baby back at home and the colors coming in and the big spliefs rolled and waiting and barking dogs, and almost dread moving from warm winter sun of the south to the fog covered hills and cool days to the north. That may be it the beach in
Return to that place. Waking out of the universe of sand swirling at my feet. Waking to the fact I am a rider on a trip that is not my own. The hollow reverberation of the sea leaving my ears to now be filled with tires and road and laughter and bootleg tapes reliving of a show just witnessed.
Welcome to Story Time
Here you will be able to find some of the stories I have written.