Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Couch

I have spoken to you before about the couch.

I wish I could remember who said it but when it comes to relationships “you always lose the couch.”

My folks got a new couch. They moved the old one out to the garage and it was sitting there for what seemed a very long while. I was hanging out over at the apartment of my new girlfriend and she needed a couch so I asked about taking the one from my folks. They said okay so I loaded this mutli-sectional beast into my brother’s truck with the help of a friend. Now going twenty miles in not really a big deal in the city and thinking back I should have used more rope. We lost one of the chair sections along the highway. I did not know it until we were there and set up. I had to drive back and scour the highway. There it was sitting upright beside a post. Someone was kind enough to move it out of the highway.

It was a orange striped couch. It could form a nice U shape. It was comfortable and really had not been used all that long. I think change was happening and a new couch was in order. This thing was huge anyway for their living room. Zack did not really have a place for it either.

And so. The couch was in this apartment. Really it fit. It was nice to have something of home there as well. Stranger in a strange land kind of thing and comfort was important.

Needless to say we split up. The couch stayed behind. I thought of going up there at some point and asking for it back but never did. I wonder what happened to that couch sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The couch, the one you made me see God on for the first time...yes, I remember that couch.

I lost the couch also, amidst my changing life, trading one life poorly lived, for one devoted to another...leaving my home in the sky, the only place I never felt closed in, able to breathe, for his home, and a growing belly.

I should have kept the couch, the home, and the belly to myself...I'd still be breathing well Boatman.

The couch, your couch, my couch, went to a smoke filled room, where lives were changed by steps of grace.

I believe a piece remains to this day.

You are loved:)